Our Work is as Diverse as the People We Support.
Our Work is as Diverse as the People We Support.
Inclusion SK (formerly the Saskatchewan Association for Community Living) provides support in a variety of ways to individuals, parents, siblings, other family members, friends and community based organizations. We work collaboratively with the government and community based organizations to ensure that citizens of Saskatchewan who have intellectual disabilities are valued, supported and included members of society and have opportunities and choices in all aspects of life.
The areas we provide support include:
Inclusion SK (formerly the Saskatchewan Association for Community Living) provides support in a variety of ways to individuals, parents, siblings, other family members, friends and community based organizations. We work collaboratively with the government and community based organizations to ensure that citizens of Saskatchewan who have intellectual disabilities are valued, supported and included members of society and have opportunities and choices in all aspects of life.
The areas we provide support include:
Inclusion Saskatchewan's Annual Report is the best way to learn about all of the organization's activities over a given year. Inside the report, you'll find detailed reports from each department including data for all of our various projects and programs.
Read our Annual Reports on ISSUU
Read our 2023-24 Annual Report (PDF)
Inclusion Saskatchewan Annual Report
Inclusion Saskatchewan Audited Financial Statement
Inclusion Saskatchewan's Audited Financial Statement provides information about the organization's finances in a given year. Inside the report, you'll find detailed financial reports, an overview of INSK's accounting practices, and the auditor's report.
Read our 2023-24 Audited Financial Statement (PDF)
Navigating the System
Navigating the System: A Guide For Family Members Of People With Intellectual Disabilities features information on respite, early childhood intervention, education, medical care and many other systems. Now in its 4th edition, this valuable resource offers a wealth of information on how you can work with the systems that you will encounter.
Find an online version of Navigating the System here.
You can also download individual chapters below:​
Chapter 1: Dealing With The Diagnosis
Chapter 2: Programs & Services For Children
Chapter 3: Inclusive Education
Chapter 4: Meaningful Employment
Chapter 5: Supported Housing Options
Chapter 6: Financial Assistance
Chapter 8: Inclusive Recreation
Road Map to the Future
Road Map to the Future puts complex situations and terms into easy–to-grasp language, providing background information for those who help people with an intellectual disability plan. Now in its second edition, this guide includes what to consider when preparing a will, how to choose executors and trustees, how to make the most of RDSPs and the SAID income program, and information about guardianship and co-decision making.
Find an online version of Road Map to the Future here.
Impact Report
See our impact in a whole new way! Our Impact Reports are published quarterly throughout the year and shine a light on how your support moves inclusion forward in three key impact areas: Supporting People, Strengthening Families, and Changing Systems.
Read our Winter 2024 issue here.
Read our Spring 2023 issue here.
Transition Planning
This handbook was developed in response to concerns of parents and educators about the lack of options open to young people with intellectual disabilities leaving the educational system. It is a useful guide for students and families as they move through school and into the adult world.
Download the Transition Worksheets here.
Self-Directed Funding (SDF) Guidebook
Self-Directed Funding (SDF) is a funding option from the Government of Saskatchewan. It is not a type of service or a program. Rather, it is an option where funding is provided directly to adults with intellectual disabilities so they can have increased choice and control over the supports and services that best suit their needs.
A person can access SDF for housing support, day programming, or both. They manage their own funding with the supporter(s) of their choice. People receiving SDF will identify their needs and develop a person-centred plan that describes how their needs can be met in the community.
Click here to download the Government of Saskatchewan SDF Guidebook (PDF).
Comprehensive Personal Planning and Support Policy (CPP&SP)
The CPP&SP is a policy that directs how Community Living Service Delivery will support people. Find the policy and other resources below:
CPP & SP Policy - Plain Language Booklet
Inclusive Education Resources
If you are a parent with kids in school who have intellectual disabilities, you might find these links helpful.
INSK's Position Statement on Inclusive Education
INSK's Position Statement on Inclusive Education - plain language summary
Actualizing a Needs Based Model
The Adaptive Dimension for Saskatchewan K-12 Students
Inclusive Education - Saskatchewan Ministry of Education 2021
Supporting All Learners Website
Person-Centred Culture
Learn more about Person-Centred culture with these documents created in collaboration with the Government of Saskatchewan.
What is Person-Centred Culture?
Person-Centred Culture for CBOs
Saskatchewan Assured Income For Disability (SAID) Guidebook
This comprehensive guide to the Saskatchewan Assured Income for Disability benefit, developed by DISC, will help you apply and manage the benefit(s) once approved. Click here to read or download the guide.
Alternatives To Guardianship
We receive many inquiries about guardianship as it is still common for family members or support people to be told that guardianship is the only option to support a person with an intellectual disability once they enter adulthood. This document provides clarity and options beyond guardianship for those who support someone. Find out more here (PDF).
Tell It Like It Is - Sexual Health & Wellness Education
Tell It Like It Is (TILII) ensures learners receive the information required to support them in making informed decisions about their sexual health and wellness. Through 9 learning modules, TILII creates an open and safe platform for participants to share stories, ask questions, explore curiosities, express fears and gain knowledge. Topics include relationships, dating, gender identity, sexual identity, personal hygiene, safer sex practices, and more. Click here to visit the Tell It Like It Is website.