DISC has been working with the Community Research Unit at the University of Regina on a research project looking at the impact of the SAID program. As we near the provincial election, we are hoping to have a report and supporting informational materials ready to roll out in the very near future.
So here is where we need your help! There are two separate surveys below that will allow us to gather data from people that receive benefits through SAID and people whose work involves supporting people on SAID (service providers). We ask that you please fill out the appropriate survey yourself and then share the links with anyone and everyone in your respective networks.
The surveys are very short and simple and should only take a minute or two to complete. The link is completely safe and anonymous. The completed survey data is stored securely on the University of Regina servers.
Here are the surveys:
Service Provider Survey: https://uregina.eu.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_enCDsB10JbsanxX
SAID Beneficiary Survey: https://uregina.eu.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_5oM68e62hA19T25
Responses are due by Friday, March 13th.