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Call for Proposals: Awards, Grants, and Bursaries

Writer's picture: Travis NeufeldTravis Neufeld

Inclusion Saskatchewan’s Awards, Grants & Bursaries Committee is pleased to announce the 2023 Call for Proposals! Please be aware of each application's deadline (most are February 28, 2023).

Included below are descriptions, criteria, and application forms for the various awards, grants, and bursaries offered by Inclusion Saskatchewan. Please ensure that all information is filled out completely. Applicants may submit applications to multiple grants for the same project, as long as the applications meet the requirements of each grant. Applications must be received by 11:59 pm on the day of the deadline in order to be considered for funding.

Please submit completed official INSK Application Forms via the links to our Google Doc forms below. Budget forms can be emailed separately to Connie Andersen, Director of Community Development, at or mailed to:

Inclusion Saskatchewan

Awards, Grants, and Bursaries Committee Chair

3031 Louise Street

Saskatoon, SK S7J 3L1

Attention: Connie Andersen

Successful applicants must submit a grant report within 60 days of project/event completion in order to be considered for future funding from Inclusion Saskatchewan. Successful applicants for projects/events that will not be completed prior to February 28, 2024 must submit an interim grant report by January 30, 2024 in addition to the final report upon the completion of the project/event. Reporting requirements will be mailed out to each successful applicant with distribution of funding.



Purpose: To create or maintain inclusive recreational programs at the Inclusion Saskatchewan Branch level.

Application Process: Eligible organizations may submit one completed INSK Inclusive Recreational Initiative Application Form to the Inclusion Saskatchewan Awards, Grants, and Bursaries Committee. Eligible projects include: leisure-based educational programs, i.e. workshops, seminars, clinics, etc.; participant-based program opportunities; and / or special events.

Application Deadline: February 28, 2023

Funds Available: Approximately $30,000 is distributed annually by Inclusion Saskatchewan to eligible projects courtesy of funding received by Inclusion Saskatchewan from the Saskatchewan Lottery Trust Fund and the Saskatchewan Parks and Recreation Association.

Criteria: Funding is only available for Inclusion Saskatchewan Branches that are in good standing, as defined by Inclusion Saskatchewan’s Bylaws. Other organizations that deliver inclusive recreational programs may apply, provided they have also received the endorsement of the President of an INSK Branch. Programs must be recreation focused, respond to the needs of the people being served, and take place in Saskatchewan. Projects that follow an integration or segregation model will not receive funding. Funding is restricted to the operational costs of the program, including program staff wages. Inclusion Saskatchewan will not fund administration costs, supervisory staff wages, wage subsidies for program participants, or travel outside of Saskatchewan.

*Recipients must recognize the Saskatchewan Lottery Trust Fund, the Saskatchewan Parks and Recreation Association, and Inclusion Saskatchewan as sponsors of their project by including their logos on any printed materials.



Purpose: To support community projects supported by an Inclusion Saskatchewan Branch for the purpose of including people with intellectual disabilities and their families.

Application Process: Eligible organizations may submit one completed INSK Branch Project Fund Application Form to the Inclusion Saskatchewan Awards, Grants, and Bursaries Committee.

Application Deadline: February 28, 2023

Funds Available: Approximately $35,000 is distributed annually to eligible Inclusion Saskatchewan Branches.

Criteria: Funding is only available for Inclusion Saskatchewan Branches that are in good standing, as defined by Inclusion Saskatchewan’s Bylaws. Other organizations that deliver inclusive recreational programs may apply, provided they have also received the endorsement of the President of an INSK Branch. Programs must be for the purpose of including individuals with intellectual disabilities and their families in Saskatchewan. Projects that follow an integration or segregation model will not receive funding. Funding is restricted to the operational costs of the program, including program staff wages. Inclusion Saskatchewan will not fund administration costs, supervisory staff wages, wage subsidies for program participants, or travel outside of Saskatchewan.

*Recipients must recognize the Inclusion Saskatchewan as a sponsor of their project by including an Inclusion Saskatchewan logo on any printed materials.



Purpose: To support Inclusion Saskatchewan Branches in hosting an event that promotes October as Inclusion Month.

Application Process: Inclusion Saskatchewan Branches may submit one completed INSK Inclusion Initiative Application Form to the Inclusion Saskatchewan Awards, Grants and Bursaries Committee.

Application Deadline: February 28, 2023

Funds Available: $500 per eligible Inclusion Saskatchewan Branch

Criteria: Funding is only available for Inclusion Saskatchewan Branches that are in good standing, as defined by Inclusion Saskatchewan’s Bylaws. Eligible Inclusion Saskatchewan Branches must host an event promoting inclusion in their community during the month of October. Events that follow an integration or segregation model will not receive funding. Funding is restricted to the operational costs of the event, including program staff wages. Inclusion Saskatchewan will not fund administration costs, supervisory staff wages, wage subsidies for program participants, or travel outside of Saskatchewan.

*Recipients must recognize the Inclusion Saskatchewan as a sponsor of their project by including an Inclusion Saskatchewan logo on any printed materials.



Purpose: To provide funds for Inclusion Saskatchewan Members and Members of Inclusion Saskatchewan Branches to attend conferences, workshops, seminars, training events, etc. related to intellectual disabilities. The fund is not available for employees of Inclusion Saskatchewan or its Branches, college and/or university tuition, or other credit/certification programs or related educational materials.

Application Process: Eligible applicants may submit one completed INSK Training and Support Application Form to the Inclusion Saskatchewan Awards, Grants, and Bursaries Committee. Eligible expenditures include: leisure-based educational programs, i.e. workshops, seminars, clinics, etc.; participant-based program opportunities; and/or special events.

Application Deadlines:

February 28, 2023

May 28, 2023

September 20, 2023

December 13, 2023

Funds Available: Maximum of $1,000 per year per applicant; successful applicants can only receive funding once per year.

Criteria: Funding available only for upcoming events; retroactive funding is not available.

*Recipients must recognize the Inclusion Saskatchewan as a sponsor of their project by including an Inclusion Saskatchewan logo on any printed materials.



Purpose: To encourage study and research into the interaction of the justice system, human rights issues, and/or specific laws impacting individuals with intellectual disabilities.

Application Process: Submit a research paper to the Inclusion Saskatchewan Awards, Grants, and Bursaries Committee at or mailed to:

Inclusion Saskatchewan

Awards, Grants, and Bursaries Committee Chair

3031 Louise Street

Saskatoon, SK S7J 3L1

Attention: Connie Andersen

Application Deadline: March 31, 2023

Funds Available: $500 per year

Criteria: Provide the Inclusion Saskatchewan Awards, Grants, and Bursaries Committee with a research paper focusing on such areas as, but not limited to: the impact of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms and/or the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities on individuals with intellectual disabilities and their families, the impact of the legal system and process on individuals with intellectual disabilities and their families, issues surrounding education, and awareness for legal professionals.


Inclusion Saskatchewan Logo - Blue - No background.png

INSK Main Office

3031 Louise Street

Saskatoon, SK S7J 3L1​

(306) 955-3344


Terms of Use

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