People with intellectual disabilities can and want to work at real jobs, but only 25% find employment. We know that some employers think hiring people with intellectual disabilities is costly and difficult, so we’d like to change that perception. Here are 5 things you should know:
1. 93% Retention Rate
For a person with an intellectual disability, securing employment is one of the biggest challenges they’ll face in life. Once they’ve finally landed a position with an employer, it’s unlikely that they’ll want leave. According to data from the Centre for Inclusion and Citizenship at the University of British Columbia, 93% of individuals with intellectual disabilities hired remained with their employer.
2. Customers Will Like You More
Customers like business that do good and give back to their communities. According to a national survey by the University of Massachusetts Boston, 92% of individuals regarded companies who hired people with a disability more favourable than their competitors and and 87% of people indicated they would prefer to give their business to companies who hire inclusively.
3. Increased Staff Morale
Businesses report that having a diverse and inclusive workforce has boosted morale, enhanced connectedness and enriched leadership and management skills among senior level staff. No stats. No facts. No research. People feel good when they do good. It’s that simple.
4. Training Costs $500 Or Less
People think that accommodating someone with an intellectual disability comes with a significantly increased cost. Research data from the Job Accommodation Network, however, demonstrates that 57% of job inclusive accommodations cost nothing and that 37% of businesses that hired inclusively saw only a one-time cost of $500 or less.
5. We're Here To Help
Interested in hiring someone with an intellectual disability? We’re here to help you navigate the process and find the right candidate. Contact us at or (306) 955-3344 for more information.